Echohouse Ghana


Completed a web redesign for a marketing agency
in Ghana.


Echohouse Ghana is Ghana’s largest digital marketing agency, Their site had a bug and believed it would be a perfect opportunity for a site. A lack a site meant their clients and customers would not be able to access the services in the capacity Echohouse wanted, thus losing awareness an engagement.

Process & Approach

Context Gathering

I met with the team to discuss Echohouse Ghana goals, visions and brand. I gathered context around what their needs were to fulfill timeline expectations.

Ideation, Design & Collaboration

After meeting with the Echohouse Ghana team and gathering insights into their goals, vision, brand identity, and timeline expectations, I moved into the ideation and collaboration phase of the project. This involved several key steps:

Synthesizing Insights

I carefully reviewed all the information and context gathered during my initial discussions with the team. I looked for common themes, priorities, and areas where Echohouse Ghana's needs aligned with my design skills and expertise. This synthesis helped shape the creative direction.

Concept Development

Drawing from the synthesized insights, I began exploring multiple high-level design concepts that could potentially meet Echohouse Ghana's requirements. I sketched out rough ideas, created basic wireframes, and experimented with different visual styles and approaches. The goal was to develop a range of distinctive concepts to explore.

Stakeholder Feedback Loop

With several contrasting design concepts in hand, I met again with key stakeholders from Echohouse Ghana to get their feedback and input. This collaborative process allowed me to gather real-time responses, understand their resonance with the various directions, and refine the concepts further based on their perspectives.

Iteration and Refinement

Taking the stakeholder feedback into account, I continued iterating and refining the design concepts that showed the most promise. This process involved fleshing out details, testing usability and visuals, and ensuring strong alignment with Echohouse Ghana's brand and objectives. Multiple rounds of refinement occurred at this stage.


Based on feedback from the team, I was able to finalize my designs and prepare handoff documents for the developer to implement and for the team to review for awareness.

Design Outcome


I collaborated with the project manager to set expectations for project deadlines and brainstorm on the vision that the site would create. I was in consistent communication with the developer for the project to align on the feasibility of my designs.


I created an accessible and intuitive website for Echohouse clients to use that would allow them to do things that were not possible before including inquiring about projects, applying for jobs, and stay up to date with events.


Solid Rock Markham

